Monday, April 27, 2009

Soul Food - until!

I was going to write about the Soul Food of San Antonio. I was going to chat about the River Walk - 2.5 miles of water, waterfalls, flowers, people, shops and cafes. Wow. It was Fiesta Weekend and thousands of people lined the streets for the Mariachi Parade and filled the Riverwalk with lively chatter and colourful hats and flower headbands. I was going to write about that until.......

I was going to write about our Soul Food visit (that was the sermon title) to Travis Park United Methodist church - happy music, good words (!), enthusiastic Celebration band and singers- they even had Rip a-toe-tapping!! I was going to write more about that until......

Until.......Rip and I survived a tornado. I mean really. We were heading west towards Big Bend National Park and the sky got darker and more purple and the rains began. Suddenly all the cars and trucks in front and behind us pulled off the highway. I mean they pulled off, not slowly onto the shoulder, but right off the highway as if they meant business on scruffy land where you would never think to go. They pulled over and huddled beside large rocks, as close as they could get.

We followed. We knew someone knew something important. We turned on the radio. An announcer was giving instructions for safety - go to the basement of your house if you have one. If you don't get on the floor under a bed - cover your head. If you are in a vehicle, pull over. Take cover. Finally the announcer said that a tornado had been spotted at Interstate 10 and exit 290, heading east.

We were 1/2 mile from I-10 and 290 heading west. Coming our way. The air was cool and clammy and weird. The sky was dark purple, but there was a warm, haunting light on the rocks next to the dark black of the highway pavement.

The rain drops became as large as fists; then the hail started, large as golf balls. Some trucks positioned themselves backwards from how they had been travelling - to protect their windshield. We waited.

We moved when others moved; stopping many times under roadway bridges; going from winds to rain to hail; lighter, heavier, heavier still. In some places it looked like a snowstorm at the side of the road. The hail ping-ed, ping-ed, ping-ed on our RipsJoy windows and metal.

It was some miles before we felt safe again. Rip said I looked like a "deer in the headlights". He pretended all was well - but afterwards said how scared he was to someone at our campsite. So Mars and Venus of us!

We had survived a tornado. The locals say they never get used to it. We arrived at Fort Stockton, Texas and found a campsite, some Soul Food and a bottle of wine. We will get to Big Bend Ntl. Park another day - :) until then!


  1. Hello Joyce and Rip,
    So glad you are safe and your humour is intact! Even though you may have looked like a "deer in the headlights" Joyce, I bet you were the nicest one out there that day!!!
    Looking forward to the Big Bend National Park report.
    Love, BIG HUGS, Evelyn

  2. Greetings Rip and Joy

    I can imagine how adventurous you both felt. I did not use the word scared because Rip does not get scared. Rip just gets more adventurous.
    May the road rise to meet you!
    May the wind be always at your back!
    Fred Wegner

  3. Joyce and Rip we are so glad you are OK. A good time to follow the leader! No more of this kind of adventure we hope!

  4. Hello Momma Jo and Ripper!

    Jen sent me your blog, what a great idea. It sounds as though you have had quite the adventure already, doesn't surprise me in the least! What an amazing time and trip you are going to have, I can't wait to catch up with you when you are back, I'm looking forward to the pictures and more stories!


  5. Wow! I was holding my breath! So glad that you are both safe!!!!!

  6. Hello there you two in Texas. I arrived home from the north this afternoon and just started reading your blogs. Glad to hear your made it past the tornado ok. My brother called me at the cottage Saturday night and started telling me about the tornados. He been following them on "live storm chaser videos". I'll forward him your first hand account. Enjoy the wine and take care. -ken and cheryl
