Friday, April 24, 2009

No means NO

New Orleans is a fascinating place, called "an inevitable city on an impossible site". We could not believe the miles and miles of bridges to get there! We see few signs of the hurricane Katrina aftermath even though 80% of the city was under water. It is a city with character. The first settlers arrived in 1699 from France and were joined by the Cajuns (Acadians from Nova Scotia) and some German settlers. We spent the morning on the Riverwalk - a beautiful walkway along the Mississippi River where you can watch the Steamboats coming and going and enjoy the little shops, fountains and even a Southern beverage and food museum. In the afternoon we ambled our way through the French Quarter, pausing for a cold drink in a market area bistro listening to a jazz band, The Old Skools! The French Quarter is a little bit of France with the narrow streets with shops and bars and live music everywhere. There is a character at every corner!

Last stop was the famous Cafe du Monde, French market coffee stand begun in 1862, where they make mouthwatering beignets (homemade donuts floating on a cushion of icing sugar). My black capris bear witness to this treat (and the hips under them of course!). The beignets were warm, soft, melt-in-your-mouth - this has to qualify as a true sabbatical spiritual experience!

We walked our socks off on this most perfect day of sun and sightseeing, and as we headed out of the city Rip asked me, "Where is a town called No?" I said I didn't know, but proceeded to look up the name in our CAA guide book. I couldn't find it. Rip said he saw No Wireless, No Taxis and No Airport - it suddenly dawned on me - NO on all those signs is short for New Orleans! Duh. Our minds are truly on vacation.

1 comment:

  1. I thought you were on your holidays! Your posts are quite early in the a.m.! We are buying a map tomorrow so we can plot along with your course. Mom is loving this blogging idea however! She is becoming a true blogger! No night can go by without checking on your escapes! You have not disappointed yet! You must be having so much fun! We are having lovely weather this weekend! Up to 27 c. on Sat! WHOO HOO!
