Thursday, April 23, 2009

Niagara Falls!

We lost track of time on Pensacola Beach - it was divine. We walked a pier and the beach which stretches for miles and miles. There are covered picnic tables with barbecues, washrooms and clean, white sand and turquoise surf. It is so picturesque. After a light bite at McGuire's Irish Pub (complete with 750,000 one dollar bills on the ceiling signed by native Irish visitors), it was too dark to find a regular campsite.

This is where church hospitality comes in! We spotted a beautiful church of the Latter Day Saints with lovely manicured property and pulled in to a darker, back spot for the night. Perfect - well almost! At 3 am or so I sat up and thought that Niagara Falls had descended on the van! Water, water everywhere - we didn't see a cloud in sight as we retired for the night - what was this? Monsoon? Cloud burst?

Rip was sent to investigate. Sure enough, we had parked, nose forward, right in front of a large nozzle for an automatic lawn sprinkler system. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard at 3 am.
Niagara Falls - look out!


  1. We are still laughing about the water! Too funny. Marion says that you should start a little earlier find the ideal spot for the night! (~;

  2. Good Morning Joyce and Rip,
    That is hilarious - were you packed in two by two in your ark?
    Have a great day!!!
    Lots of BIG HUGS, Evelyn
