Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Home Jane!

We had a great visit with our dear friends, Jan and Greg, and family in Tallahassee. We thought we were arriving after dinner, and walked into their beautiful home to the smells of roast beef and Yorkshire pudding wafting past our noses - yummy! I had not enjoyed Yorkshire pudding in a long time - a memory of my Mom who was born in Yorkshire.

Nicole and Dalton, their children, were 3 and 6 when we visited their home last - wow - at 13 and 16 they are awesome young people - Dalton a handsome, keen mathemetician going away to some State competition next weekend - and Nicole a clever self taught musician with personality pizzaz! We are proud to know you.

We are "ripping" down the highway toward New Orleans. Our CAA tour book says that there is a phenomenal National Naval Aviation Museum in Pensacola. We defer to our GPS -"home Jane" - take us there! And she does. It is free and awesome! From Blue Angels to Corsairs Rip is in airplane heaven. I get to sit in a cockpit (they made men smaller then, didn't they?). Then we experience the Imax theatre production of Grand Canyon - wow, my stomach says I am in that plane! We love the kayak trip down the Colorado River - we were really with them.

Our CAA book says don't miss the Pensacaola Beach - "home Jane" again! She delivers. It is a beach like no other - pure white sand, amazing, deserted, gorgeous, long. The sand is so white because it is 99% quartz. So soft. We sit for a time with snacks and music and a glass of wine. It doesn't get better. We have come to rely on Jane - our expert navigator - thanks for saving directional spats - ha, ha! From the old days of "Home, James!" we are converts to "Home, Jane!" Thank you, Jane, and thank you to whoever is sharing is internet connection on the beach!


  1. Not sure if my last comment acutally went anywhere because I didnt set up a google account (atleast I dont think so) This entire blog thing is like trying to work out something from a distant planet! Too bad it the other comment didnt work cause it was pretty funny but now I am absolutely exhausted from the blog ordeal. Anyways- I will try to resend some of most cleaver comments if needed. It is great to be able to read about your adventure- it is almost like being there because you are so expressive Joyce- talk to you soon Love K & C

  2. I've been enjoying your blog. You are so expressive Joyce. I look forward to reading how your you have spent your day! I finally figured out how to sign in to send you a message!
