Saturday, April 25, 2009

Is it Saturday?

We have arrived in San Antonio during the Mariachi Festival! It was a 5 hour drive today and we were as impressed with the rest stops as ever - one had a "stretch your legs trail" made out of cork - 1/4 mile of cushy walking - it was great.

I keep thinking it can't be Saturday - usually on Saturday I am on the computer finishing the sermon, or at a wedding or w. appointment, and then back on the computer. It is such a treat to be free to enjoy the Riverwalk here in SA. Thanks, Heather! It really is Saturday after all.


  1. Your reports are awesome- I am really enjoying
    travelling along with you. I particularly like the idea you are letting 'Jane' lead your way! and not sticking to a rigid schedule. I guess that is a true sabbagical.
    Looking forward to hearing of your Church experience today-

  2. OOPS - I didn't proof read that one very well-
    that should read - sabbatical- didn't want you searching for a hidden meaning !!

  3. Hello Fellow Followers,
    Want to walk the River Walk that Joyce and Rip shared their enjoyment with us? Go to Virtual Tour of South Texas Plains,
    Click on "Texas Map"listed in box on left
    On screen, "Texas Interactive Map"
    1.Close popup box in centre of map
    2.Click on "Cities and Towns", box at top of map
    3.Click on "South Texas Plains" listed below map
    On Screen, "South Texas Planes" descriptive. Box midway down on your right - click on "View South Texas Plains Cams."
    On screen, "Texas Videos". Enjoy the "River Walk Boat" or any other cam video that Joyce and Rip may mention. Blessings to all. Evelyn

  4. When you take a leave of every other week like I did this year ya never have a clue what day it is every day feels like a rest. If you're in Texas you only have about 1500 miles to get to Vancouver.
