Friday, April 17, 2009

Craving the Caving

We got up and ready for the 8 am opening of the Visitor's Centre as we knew that some of the caving tours sell out quickly. We parked in the lot at 8:05 am and went to the doors - closed. Hmmm. Another car rolled up - okay we are clueless. We had gained 1 hour in our travels and the time was really 7:05 am. We are not so smart after all!

Took the Historic Tour in the morning (2 hours) and Frozen Niagara (1 hour) in the afternoon. Amazing Just to give you some idea, please picture going through passages called, "Tall Man's Misery" and "Fat Man's Agony". Okay, you must have a visual. Let us just say that it is a lot easier to be 5'2" than 6' - okay already.

The Mammoth Caves have 367 miles of caves - it is all so interesting and the history would fascinate even the most claustrophic of persons. It is so beautiful you can just see the Creator's handiwork - you just could not miss it really. The Green River carved all the caverns over time. It was an experience to remember. We thought it might not be busy, but some of the schools in nearby states were on school break so there were lots of families touring today.

After 3 hours of caving we had seen quite a lot and decided to move on. It is a beautiful day - it must be 75F and blue, sunny sky. We left for Bowling Green and toured the Corvette Museum - quite a contrast to caving let's say. We decided to quit the day early and relax rather than logging more hours on the road. After all, I am in withdrawal from having an agenda, and I cannot believe that my daybook says nothing at all for Friday, April 17th. It says nothing, but I have experienced breathtaking moments. Says a lot about sabbatical time.


  1. Thanks for sharing ... sounds wonderful! Continued good journeying!
    Big HUGS, Evelyn

  2. How was your first night sleeping in Rips Joy? Did you snuggle up together or did one of you tape the upper bunk?

    Hugs, Lee and Steph

  3. So glad you are having such a great time and it is only just begun. I'm sure this will be one of the most interesting trip so far. Stay safe.

    pat & Peter

  4. yay!!!! all sounds glad you having a great the hug tester story...and yes...i'll bet even the sermon on the mount less than 45 to you both and may God continue to guide you on your journey. peace, lynn
