Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Here we are in Dundee, Michigan. We picked up our half-pint (meaning "mini") microwave from Randy in Detroit and have now experienced the ultimate Outdoors Experience at Cabela's. Had a delicious Bruschetta bread and salad at the River Side Pub by the water. Finding the people here so friendly- at the grocery store we were given a 10% discount even though we didn't have the discount card. Truly American hospitality.

Trivia for the day - did you know that if you are driving a vehicle you are not familiar with - you can tell which side the gas tank is on by looking at the picture of the gas pump on your display. If the pump handle is on the right; your gas tank is on the right; similarly left and left! Does everybody know that??

Our vehicle, Rips Joy, is a dream come true. We toasted my Mom tonight - she gave Rip a license plate called "Rips Joy" for his boat and now we have this Westfalia thanks to her.
A great day - a wonderful beginning!

1 comment:

  1. April 17...Beautiful day here in Southern Ontario ... hope you are enjoying nice weather too as you travel today. Deer are out in Hendrie Valley displaying their beautiful grace and yet majestic power. Let us know about the nature that you are viewing on this "dream" journey! Get snapping "shutterbugs!" Blessings, Big HUGS, Evelyn
