Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Anna Marie Island is a skinny piece of paradise, a 26 mile long white sand beach. Skinny is a word that brings many images - never pertaining to my body, I know, :) but I have known those who might be called skinny or better yet slender, slim, svelte, etc.

Carl "Skinny" and his wife opened a homemade hamburger place on the island in 1952 and the family has never looked back and neither have their visitors. The homemade hamburgs and curly fries and tender, crisy onion rings are a taste to behold! I could not figure out the name "Skinny's" on first hearing, for I am sure no one who eats this food could be skinny for long! On the other hand, one visit clarified the origin of the name, and indeed that clientelle that visit there are (many of them) - skinny, bikini clad bodies that call this place a regular hot spot on vacation. No wonder it is hard to find a place to sit!

Before our skinny lunch, Rip and Larry went for a walk to the pier and Rip rescued some starfish babies who somehow found their way out of the water. It reminds me of the story of the man who was throwing starfish back into the water to save them, and someone asked him why he bothered since so many were not going to make it. He said, "but this one did". So true. A skinny moment of opportunity for those particular starfish.

Our time on Anna Maria Island is coming to a close. What a "skinny" moment in time of rest, beach walks, laughter of good friends, savouring of delicious food. We hear about Susan Boyle, British singer whose "skinny" moment on TV has changed her life forever. Even Simon Cowell was blown away - what can we say?

We may not be skinny, but Rip and I have had many "skinny" moments of bliss thus far.


  1. You are making me jealous! Anna Maria Island sounds like my cup of tea! Many at WP are asking about the Blog even if they don't have a computer. We obviously have not forgotten you! Happy Journey!

  2. Hi Joyce and Rip! We have been following your journey so far and are enjoying it right along with you! Unlike the beautiful lovely weather you are having today on my way to get my snow tires off I drove through a hail storm! Your adventures brought back some happy memories. We have had several pit stops at Stuckey's and love those gooey pecan delights. Dad used to make friends with the highway patrol in most states at the gas centres while we were in the ladies room. Sometimes we couldn't find him when we would come out as he had left us and went off with a trooper to see their latest radar equipment work out on the thruway! He even managed to talk his way out of a few speeding tickets! We look forward to your next installment! Hugs to you both. Marion, Shelley and Marnie.

  3. Good evening to the two of you in sunny Florida. We joined your blog today and are enjoying your road trip through your eyes and words. Glad to hear Rip achieved his firs two objectives..........the micro wave and Cabello's. Sorry I missed Rip's Skype call last night. Any Bone fishing in that part of Florida? Looking forward to your next post.

  4. Good Morning Joyce and Rip,
    Looking forward to your thoughts on the next leg of your journey. I love your "WoW" moments. Thanks for the splendid decriptives of captivating moments. Now that "blogging" is natural to you - perhaps the next step is writing a book!!!???!!!! Cheers, Big HUGs, Evelyn
