Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Studio

On Sunday we visited Scottsdale Congregational United Church of Christ (glad I don't have to say that too often!) for their contemporary/casual service called The Studio. We arrived 5 minutes before start time (I can't get used to that!). It was very intriguing. The topic was 'listening'. The service included lots of greeting time, a clip from You Tube about a man who finds a stethoscope on the sidewalk and proceeds to use it to "listen" to various things along his path and then his own heart. Very thoughtful. There was a also a mimed skit with three young adults acting out the scene with Mary and Martha and Jesus; Martha working hard to make supper and Mary sitting - listening - to Jesus. The scriptures were I believe from The Message (popular cutting edge modern interpretation of scripture). The songs were originals written by their music vocalist and pianist. There was a very good jazz band, various reflections and poetry, and a really warm welcome. Again, we were blessed by the service and really moved by the innovative ways of worship. And again, we missed our dear friends and family at West Plains - you're the best!

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