Sunday, May 3, 2009

Fire's burning!

We travelled to wine country in southern Arizona and enjoyed a winery that was featuring some live music and new wines. The vines here are very young and willowy compared to our Niagara crops, but the wines were just as delicious. Next door to the winery a large fire was burning but most of the locals said they thought it was under control. The grasses on the large ranch style properties in the entire area were a crisp, parched light brown colour and the drought in the area is keenly evident. As we were leaving we noticed the fire was bigger and the smoke seemed to be moving across more and more grassy land. Then suddenly the air water bomber appeared in the sky and before you knew it he was coming in for a dive - it was amazing. We had never seen such a thing. Along with the fire trucks screaming down the dusty road, the air was filled with danger - and smoke.

Shirley and Allan, a couple we met at the winery, suggested the Canela Bistro for dinner in town. We arrived and minutes after the power went out. The owner was super nice and said she could offer us wine and buns and salad - some appetizers - but the water pump was electric and she was low on water and feared she would have to close. It was very sad really because the horse derby was in town that day and many people had made reservations at her bistro and she were prepared to serve them.

What did we have for dinner? Wine (this time a whole glass instead of a taste) and buns - it was a real communion experience! (We also had a brussel sprouts dish in a vinaigrette sauce with bacon and dates that was truly extraordinary!). We are off to the Patagonia State Park for overnight and then on to Patagonia United Methodist Community Church on Sunday morning.

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