Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The "Green" Arch!

We are here in Sedona - the views are beyond imagination! The businesses and homes are low rise and finished with colours that match the landscape- beiges and terra cotta, browns and soft greens. Believe it or not, even the McDonald's has a GREEN arch, not a golden one!! And that arch is small and on the building, not the kind you can spot a mile away. All of the business signs are likewise considerate of the beautiful geography of the area. We even passed a Walmart that had a similiar small, classy look. We visited Holy Cross church tucked into the red rocks half way to heaven. They have a taize service once a week, and welcome visitors every day to sit in the chapel or gaze out over the majesty of red rocks. But a green arch? Wow, that's political influence - it can be done! What a breath of fresh air - or should I say smell of fresh coffee?

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