Saturday, May 23, 2009

Finally Fishing!

We awake this morning after a heavy rain on Lake Cataract camp grounds. As usual I am up at 500 am and off for a walk. I am chasing Blue Birds, Eagles and Ospreys for a photo opp all around this lake. I have seen many men fishing over the past two days but nothing caught. As I am walking back to our camp a fisherman catches a Rainbow Trout. I walk down to see it closer and talk with John the fisherman. He says that I should try my luck. Not being one to pass up an opportunity to fish I am back in a flash with my rod. I have three trout on shore with four casts and I ask john if he wants them. He only wants to know what magical lure I am using. I show him my Panther Martin lure and offer him one. I catch another 8 Rainbows within the hour and Give them all to John except one for lunch. He is happy that I showed him the lure and now he is catching more fish. All the other fisherman on the lake have come to shore and are casting around us, but they do not have the magical lure. We leave the camp ground and I have made a new friend from Arizona.

1 comment:

  1. Rip that is great news! I bet lunch was delectable - makes my mouth water!!! How about the photo opps - did you catch the Eagles or Ospreys or Blue Birds? Have a great weekend. Love, BiG HuGs, Evelyn
