Monday, May 4, 2009

Cookies and RIP in RVIP

We are enjoying our time in RV Parks. Many gracious hosts offer Rip free cookies - a bonus! Rip is in RVIP (RV In Peace!) In Tombstone, the RV park had a logo of a tombstone with RVIP inscribed in it. In my sabbatical reading, I am learning that the most successful mainline churches are tops in hospitality and mission. What has this got to do with cookies?!! Our last church visit showed us. The hospitality was outstanding and they were in the process of baking up a storm for a local prison. A couple of surprising rules! You were not to put raisins in the cookies or frosting in the top! Why? Because inmates can turn raisins or icing into alcohol!! Now I can see the raisins, but frosting?? Surprising cookie education. Imagine rules for the beloved cookie. Rip is RVIP with delicious cookies!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Folks!
    How wonderful life is to kick back and relive the beauty of Arizona with you as you share in writing your joyous experiences. Now if we could only figure a way to transfer some of those cookies over the web to the rest of us - life would be perfect!!!!! Or instead, perhaps, both of you are collecting all the cookie recipes to 'bake up a storm' for WPUC and other friends/neighbours when you return. :)
    Love, BiG HuGs, Evelyn
