Sunday, May 3, 2009

Hospitality plus!

We visited Patagonia United Methodist Community church this morning. It was awesome. It was our first time being acknowledged in church while away - with applause! This church is your best-ever family style church (next to WPUC of course!). A small congregation, a small sanctuary, bright and warm and welcoming. Several people welcomed us; what an intimate, friendly place. Pastor Ned was relaxed and open to the spirit. We felt very much at home - as close to West Plains as we have found so far! The children joined in for communion at the end of the service and we were invited several times over to coffee time. It is very special to arrive at worship service 5 minutes ahead of the beginning, and even more special still to be able to just be in the moment and not be thinking of the next part of the service. Amazing.

My prayer shawl was blessed once again and with new energy we are off to Tucson!
We miss you, West Plains, and all our wonderful friends. This is an experience to remember.

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