Sunday, May 24, 2009


We arrived at beautiful Kingman KOA campground last night. I took my contact lenses out in the van. Let me tell you that I can see about as well without my lenses as that dense fog we faced at first glance over Grand Canyon! This morning I decided to put my lenses in at the washroom and have a shower. Rip pointed out the building and it wasn't very far away so I was good to go.

No one was in the washroom - I am often alone as those fancy RV's that surround us in parks come millionaire style with their own washroom, shower and TV, etc. As I am getting into the shower I hear an electric razor. Not one os those delicate, girly kinds. One of those meaty, grazing, lawn-cutting sounds. Ohm no! Am I in the women's washroom?? Did I chose the wrong door?

I wait and wait until I am totally SURE that I am alone again before I begin to slink out of the shower. I run to put my lenses in and as I am cleaning them, I look in the sink. Razor stubble. It surround the sink vessel. I am now in panic mode. I see a urinal. I am mortified. I put my lenses so fast, I don't remember doint it.

I go outside and check the door. It says, "Women". I go inside again. The "urinal" is another seaprate sink, lower and bigger and separate from the other three, I guess for washing dishes. It looked like a urinal to me in my fuzzy state.

I don't know much except this; some woman needs a new razor out there. Or some man got confused today. The whole situation was KOA - Kind Of Awkward.

We are now off to church - Canyon Community Church - I can finally relax, but you can bet I will wear my lenses to campsite washrooms from now on.


  1. We had a marathon reading tonight as we have not been blogging for a few days! We are so enjoying your many escapades! We are still laughing Joyce at your ladies room rendevous! We can imagine your horror- yikes! Thank you Prayers must have been said later that morning!!! (:
