Monday, June 15, 2009

Turn Around When Possible!

Our GPS, Jane, loves to tell us "turn around when possible" whenever she thinks we have made a wrong turn, or if we turn off the highway for any reason. We are getting the point when we hear these words that we tell her in no uncertain or polite terms to "mind her own business"!!

But she has a point. We made a major change in our itinerary while in San Francisco. Since we would miss our friends, Ray and Les, in Vancouver because we were falling behind time and they were leaving for Spain, and add to that there would be a possibility of me seeing my friend Allison in Colorado again after 30 years, we looked at a map and the wheels started to spin!

I could see some possiblities - Yosemite National Park, Bryce Canyon, Zion National Park, Red Rock Canyon, Vermillion Cliffs, Antelope Canyon, Mesa Verde - the hot spots jumped into my eyes from maps and internet.

Honestly, Jane as so right. It is wise sometimes to "turn around when possible". This turn in our agenda has been beyond description - every day my new mantra is "wow, look at that" - over and over and over. Rip laughs now when I utter the words.

We have turned around and now everything is possible!!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful reflection and awesome insight into the joys of adaptability!!! Wishing you much continued, "Wow, look at that," pleasure as you bask in your new choice of adventures! Love to you both, BiG HuGs, Evelyn
