Friday, June 19, 2009

Rip's Monster!

I’ve created a monster! For years I have been the main photographer for all our trips, anniversaries and parties. I finally got Jo to pick up the camera as we were travelling along and take some pictures. Consequently I’m downloading some 250 pictures each night to my picture folder. I don’t know how to kill the monster. I don’t want to discourage her ‘cause I like the pictures but boy do we have a lot of pictures to show you all. Now mind you some of them have poles and trees stuck in the middle of scenes and the occasional splattered bug on the windshield, but she has been getting some amazing shots.

Our shots reveal the changing scenes and how quickly we move from one geographic view to another. Yesterday while travelling up highway 70 along the Colorado river off to the right are lush green hills and mountains; off to the left are dry, sparse hills and mountains. And there’s only a span of 5 miles between mountains from left to right. How one side can be so dry and the other side so lush is beyond me.

As we travelled through the mountains we’d come over a mountain into a flat land instantly. This has been happening to us all along our trip through desert, mountains, plateaus and grasslands. I’ve tried fishing in every stream I could find and stop by, catching mostly rainbows and the occasional brown trout.

The past nine weeks have gone by so fast I find we need more time to see this country, so I’m not coming home or bringing Jo home until the end of September. Everyone will have to celebrate my 60th birthday at the cottage without me. So long.

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