Sunday, June 21, 2009

Any Dream Will Do!

Since my early theological training I have had a recurring dream – not quite a nightmare but pretty close! I dream that I am leading worship and just into the service I can’t find my sermon notes!! I am overwhelmed and trying to think of what I might say, or how much I can remember. Then I wake up and give my head a shake and push that scenario out of my mind.

It did happen once. In Rockton one Sunday the service was underway and I checked my hymn book for my sermon and it wasn’t there. Right in the middle of worship I asked the choir to check their hymn books for me and sure enough books had been switched and someone had my sermon – whew!!

Many times I have wished that I was not so dependent on notes for worship, but it is something that I have had to accept as part of my humanity so to speak!

The dream came again a few nights ago. But this time there was a surprising and calm resolution. This time I didn’t panic or ask if someone else had my notes. I simply opened the Bible to a psalm and asked everyone to reflect on the words. It turned out to be a meaningful time in the service that day.

This dream has a message for me! I have realized in this sabbatical time that I use too many words and have depended too much on words in ministry. I don’t know exactly how this new insight will unfold, but I do know that the Spirit is leading me in a new way.

As the song in Joseph goes, “any dream will do”! Dreams can teach us some important. Of course I don’t always remember my dreams, but when I do I know there is a message.
Any dream will do!

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