Sunday, June 21, 2009

Rip's camping thoughts 2

Another thing about camping that has changed in the last 15 years – 15 years ago when I went camping there was more solitude. Quiet time. You travelled around and maybe never talked to your family for weeks at a time, and no one could get in touch with you until you got in touch with them. Modern day camping involves cell phones and computers. You are always in touch with people at home, your family and friends and you’re made aware of all the little problems and surprises that come up in life. They affect the solitude of your trip. Camping to me as a boy was getting away from everything.

We have choices in life. I could turn off the cell phone and computer but I’m addicted!!
I’m addicted to the interent, wanting to know what’s happening, who I can email, who I can Skype and talk to and I’m addicted to the cell phone. Can someone please help me with my addictions?!!

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