Saturday, June 6, 2009

La Jolla

La Jolla means "the jewel" and this is where we ended up for church last Sunday - La Jolla United Methodist Church is nestled in a very exclusive area just outside San Diego. We had stayed in the KOA in San Diego at $63. a campsite (in a quishy, pathetic parking spot). Literally it was "highway robbery" as the camp "spot" was right next to the major highway where lots of cars were rolling in all night long. There was a big marathon run on Sunday so we high-tailed it out of town early, thinking that sitting by the ocean watching the waves crashing in might just be a good "church" for the day. Then we happened upon the UM church just at the right time. The service was very similar to WP.

La Jolla was a jewel of a place; small and beautiful, hugging the gorgeous coastline.

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